Human Rights

Human Rights

Why are human rights important?
Human rights are important in the relationships that exist between individuals and the government that has power over them. The government exercises power over its people. However, human rights mean that this power is limited. States have to look after the basic needs of the people and protect some of their freedoms. Some of the most important features of human rights are the following: They are for everyone | They are internationally guaranteed | They are protected by law | They focus on the dignity of the human being | They protect individuals and groups | They cannot be taken away
Human Rights Declarations

Human Rights Declarations

Some basic human rights have been written down and agreed to by many states. The most famous text is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) which the UN General Assembly approved on 10 December 1948. International Human Rights Day is now celebrated on 10 December every year. The statement of principles in the Declaration has had a great influence all over the world, although governments are not forced by law to obey them. However, many lawyers would argue that because of the way the international world works, human rights have become legally binding and that governments now do have to obey some of the principles.
  • The right to life.
  • Freedom from discrimination.
  • The right for everyone to be treated equally by the law.
  • Freedom to have privacy in the family, home or with personal correspondence.
  • Freedom of association, expression, assembly (gathering in groups) and movement
  • The right to seek and enjoy asylum (a safe home).
  • The right to a nationality.
  • Freedom of thought, conscience and religion.
  • The right to vote and take part in government.
  • The right to fair working conditions
  • The right to adequate food, shelter, clothing and social security.
  • The right to health.
  • The right to education.
  • The right to property.
  • The right to participate in cultural life.
  • The right to development.
  • Freedom from torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
  • Freedom from arbitrary arrest or detention.
  • The right to a fair trial

Today’s world maybe the first time in human history that human rights is at its lowest level.The subject and its pathetic reasoning is vast and covers all dimensions of politics, ideology, corruption, economic deprivation, human smuggling, wars, mafias of all sorts.
All these are due to lack of human solidarity, universal brotherhood and goodwill. For GPAH the end to the flouting of human rights is a challenge which it will boldly undertake. We will overcome the egoists, and gods of materialism with the help of existing altruism in every society and nation.
Human rights of all genders, be they fundamental, religious, or economic is a right since birth and cannot be denied. GPAH shall, by making strong bonding of the sufferers will rebound the bearers of human abuse by taking legal action on them.

Global Peace & Harmony​

Global Peace & Harmony​

GPAH provides security for political and peace-building support to help countries make the difficult, early transition from conflict to peace. GPAH helps countries to navigate the difficult path from conflict to peace. GPAH has unique strengths, including legitimacy, burden sharing, and the ability to negotiate between conflicted countries around the world, integrating them with civilian peacekeepers to address a range of mandates set by the UN Security Council and General Assembly.​




Human Rights

Women empowerment

Children Protection